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Juan Sebastian Bar (29-2-2008) Rock & Blues (13-3-2008) Rock & Blues (13-3-2008) Rock & Blues (13-3-2008) Rock & Blues (13-3-2008) Pequeño café del Rock (28-3-2008) Pequeño café del Rock (28-3-2008) Sala Morrisey (23-4-2008) Sala Morrisey (23-4-2008) Juan Sebastian Bar (13-6-2008) Juan Sebastian Bar (18-7-2008) Juan Sebastian Bar (18-7-2008) Rock & Blues (30-10-2008) Rock & Blues (30-10-2008) Rock & Blues (30-10-2008) El Zorro (15-11-2008) El Zorro (15-11-2008) Juan Sebastian Bar (24-10-2008) Juan Sebastian Bar (24-10-2008) The Cavern Prior (29-11-2008) The Cavern Prior (29-11-2008) Groenlandia (11-12-2008) Sala Morrisey (29-12-2008) Sala Morrisey (29-12-2008) Juan Sebastian Bar (20-2-2009) Juan Sebastian Bar (20-2-2009) The Cavern Prior (28-2-2009) The Cavern Prior (28-2-2009) The Cavern Prior (28-2-2009) The Cavern Prior (28-2-2009) The Cavern Prior (28-2-2009) Rock & Blues (30-4-2009) Rock & Blues (30-4-2009) Groenlandia (11-12-2008) Groenlandia (11-12-2008) Rock & Blues (30-4-2009) Rock & Blues (30-4-2009) Rock & Blues (30-4-2009) Rock & Blues (30-4-2009) Rock & Blues (30-4-2009) The Cavern Prior (13-6-2009) The Cavern Prior (13-6-2009) The Cavern Prior (13-6-2009) Groenlandia (3-9-2009) Groenlandia (3-9-2009) Groenlandia (3-9-2009) Groenlandia (3-9-2009) Groenlandia (3-9-2009) Pub Kiara (25-12-2009) Pub Kiara (25-12-2009) The Cavern Prior (30-1-2010) The Cavern Prior (30-1-2010) The Cavern Prior (30-1-2010) The Cavern Prior (30-1-2010) The Cavern Prior (30-1-2010) The Cavern Prior (30-1-2010) The Cavern Prior (30-1-2010) The Cavern Prior (30-1-2010) The Cavern Prior (30-1-2010) The Cavern Prior (30-1-2010) The Cavern Prior (30-1-2010) The Cavern Prior (24-4-2010) The Cavern Prior (24-4-2010) The Cavern Prior (24-4-2010) The Cavern Prior (24-4-2010) The Cavern Prior (24-4-2010) The Cavern Prior (24-4-2010) The Cavern Prior (24-4-2010) Pub Sugart (4-6-2010) The Cavern Prior (28-1-2011) The Cavern Prior (28-1-2011) The Cavern Prior (28-1-2011) Sin Dietas (11-2-2011)